Sponsored by MSPS, the book The U.S. Public Land Survey System for Missouri is now available. This book is a complete synthesis of Missouri’s unique version of the USPLSS. Its chapters are: 1. Early History of the U.S. Public Land Survey System, the French and Spanish in Missouri and Missouri’s Boundaries. 2. Original Surveys on the U.S. Public Land Survey System for Missouri. 3. Resurveys on the U.S. Public Land Survey System. 4. Missouri Court Decisions Concerning Resurveys on the U.S. Public Land Survey System. 5. Reestablishment of Lost Corners for Missouri. 6. Example Protraction and Resurvey Problems. 7. Some Missouri GLO Plats. The book has 419 pages, 24 figures, 20 example protraction problems, 28 example proportioning problems, 90 example GLO plats, 4 appendices and a glossary. Written by Dr. Dick Elgin who is uniquely qualified to write this book. Dick is a surveying researcher, practitioner, educator and author. Semi‑retired, he’s spent the last two years writing this much‑needed manual about our state’s USPLSS.