Merchandise for Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors - MSPS -

Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS)

T-shirts with Pocket - $10.00

Orange, Yellow, Grey, Black (sizes M - 2XL)

Sweatshirts - $25.00

Hooded, Grey Sweatshirts, Logo on Left Chest

Hats - $10.00

Various Color Combinations Available, All Snapback
(black, brown, camo)

Portfolios - $5.00

Zippered Closure, Holds Paper
Pad and Pens

"Before you Buy Sell Divide or Build"

Shipping Charges ONLY

Water Bottles - $5.00

Contigo Brand with Flip Open Top

"The U.S. Public Land Survey System
for Missouri"

by Dr. Richard Elgin, PS, PE
Fourth Edition, Hardback, Printed in Color
MSPS Members $120.00
NON Members $160.00

"Riparian Boundaries for Missouri"

by Dr. Richard Elgin, PS, PE
Hardback Edition, Printed in Color
MSPS Members $120.00
NON Members $160.00

"The U.S. Public Land Survey System
for Arkansas"

by Dr. Richard Elgin, PS, PE and Dr. David Knowles, PS, PE
Paperback Edition
MSPS Members $60.00
NON Members $100.00

"Riparian Boundaries
for Arkansas"

by Dr. Richard Elgin, PS, PE
Hardback Edition
MSPS Members $100.00
NON Members $140.00

Call or Email MSPS to Place an
Order Today!